24th February (Ach3.1)


Vocabulary: My city

St. Book page 62

Grammar: was / were


24th of February

Reading: Page 38 ex 2 + 3


GRAMMAR: past simple

pg. 42, ex. 2

pg. 46, ex. 3

24th of February

Listening+ vocabulary + speaking: «MEAN» by Taylor Swift

24th of February

Grammar: Use of English test 5 part 2 + phrasal verbs Quizlet

24th February (Ach2)


New vocabulary: Seasons

Speaking game: verbs can / have

St. Book page 60


READING: OTE part 2 + 3

READING: multuple choice (CAE)

SPEAKING: 45 second speech

23rd of February

Grammar: Page 32

Speaking: Traveling, living abroad


23rd February (Indiv.Aroa)

Irregular verb test

Past simple vs. Past continuous theory + exercises

Listening: Ach4 Resource Book p86 ex2

23rd of February

Grammar: Have got

Vocabulary: Health and body