30th of November

Grammar: Phrasal verbs

Listening: Song: fight song (Rachel Platten)

30th of November ACH 4.2


  • body type (athletic, thin, short, tall, heavy)
  • complexion (fair, tanned, freckles,pale)
  • personality (shy, talkative, outgoing, funny, lazy)
  • hair (wavy, curly,straight)
  • students´book page 1 and 2

Grammar: He/she is- He/ She has got

Speaking: Asking and answering questions about your friend.

Homework: Student´s book page 11 exercise 3. Complete the table about your best friend.

30.11 Class

READING: unit 2, the house

LISTENING: The parts of the house, unit 2.

GRAMMAR: vocabulary of the house, draw your house. There is y There are

SPEAKING: Where do you live?

LUCA & MIKEL: HOMEWORK!! 1 frase con there is y otra con there are

30november ( infant4)

  • Hello ollie song
  • The maquinist ( what`s the weather like to day, what number is today, month, …)
  • Finish and make their own class
  • Student´s book page 13 + flashcards + page 14 » back to school»
  • Review songs 

30th of November

Listening: Phonics song and exercise

Speaking: Games

30th of November

Listening + speaking + writing: Song: fight song (Rachel Platten)

30.11 Class

Exam unit 0 and 1.

5 questions, 45 minutes.

30.11 Class

Listening exam, 4 parts.

Checking Part 1 and 2.

30th of November

Listening: Students´book page 94, exercise 1,2 and 3

Grammar: Present perefect or Past simple?

  • Students´book page 94, exercise 2 a
  • Students´book page 147 excercise a,b and c

Speaking: Question words

No homework given.

30 november ( indv markel)

  • Speaking: photo describe
  • Grammar: review exercise with have/ has got
  • Reading: «My wonderful family» a1 + » A great vacation» a2 
  • Listening: http://www.mansioningles.com/listening54.htm
  • Start with how to write the hours